Crushing MotorTown Drums with Disto

Crushing MotorTown Drums with Disto

In the last tutorial, we showed you how to use MotorTown’s built in effects to radically change the timbre of the original drum set. Today, we’re going to take this one step further with the help of Disto. As you might already know, Disto is a powerful compressor...
Transforming MotorTown Drums with Built in Effects

Transforming MotorTown Drums with Built in Effects

MotorTown is far more than a virtual drum plugin. It’s also a song building tool, and it even gives you all sorts of tools to shape the sound of the drums thanks to its suite of built in effects – compression, equalization, and more. In this tutorial, we will use...
Natural Drumsets – Instructions

Natural Drumsets – Instructions

“Natural Drumsets” is our new line of drum kits with a virtual drummer and a set of microphones, effects and rooms. “MotorTown” is the first plugin in this line, built around a custom mahogany kit. UPDATED 22 Dec 2016 – Updated to v.1.1.0...
Mastering Modern Metal Drums with Mattertone

Mastering Modern Metal Drums with Mattertone

Today we’re going to look at how we can use Mattertone in a mastering scenario. Let’s say we’ve just received a final mixdown or pre-master of a modern metal song, and we want to give it the final touch. After listening to it a couple of times we can say that the mix...