A few presets programmed for the Ch5 channel strip.
To use a preset:
- select the whole text
- right-click “copy”
- on plugin’s interface, press “preset paste”
“Kick-Drum” preset.
CH5 010000
Fader 0.6222910285 PreGain 0.7349999547 PreVol 0.3149999976 HiPass 0.0000000000
LoPass 1.0000000000 EQ1Gain 0.5900000334 EQ1Freq 0.4749999940 EQ2Gain 0.7900000215
EQ2Freq 0.6800000668 EQ3Gain 0.4949999452 EQ3Freq 0.1200000197 EQ4Gain 0.9499999285
EQ4Freq 0.8899999857 CompThr 0.2449999750 CompGain 0.6449999809 CompComp 0.5199999809
CompMode 0.3333333433 MeterMode 0.0000000000 Preamp 1.0000000000 LoShelf 0.0000000000
HiShelf 0.0000000000 EQOn 1.0000000000 EQInsert 1.0000000000 StereoLink 0.0000000000
BypassAll 0.0000000000 Rls1 0.0000000000 Rls2 0.0000000000 DeEss 0.0000000000
To get it working right, two settings must be fine tuned manually:
– Adjust Preamp input gain to get the meter (“VU” mode off) peaking at about -6dBfs.
– Adjust Compressor Threshold to get about 4 dB of Gain Reduction on peaks.
“Punchy Snare” preset:
CH5 010000
Fader 0.6109215021 PreGain 0.2350000143 PreVol 0.6750000119 HiPass 0.0000000000
LoPass 0.8500000238 EQ1Gain 1.0000000000 EQ1Freq 0.2899999619 EQ2Gain 0.8199999928
EQ2Freq 0.7599999905 EQ3Gain 0.3700000048 EQ3Freq 0.1200000048 EQ4Gain 1.0000000000
EQ4Freq 0.3199999928 CompThr 0.6299999952 CompGain 0.4049999714 CompComp 0.4750000238
CompMode 0.6666666865 MeterMode 0.0000000000 Preamp 1.0000000000 LoShelf 0.0000000000
HiShelf 0.0000000000 EQOn 1.0000000000 EQInsert 1.0000000000 StereoLink 0.0000000000
BypassAll 0.0000000000 Rls1 1.0000000000 Rls2 1.0000000000 DeEss 0.0000000000
Fine tuning:
– Meter (VU off) peaking at about -12 dBfs.
– Compressor Gain Reduction peaking at about 4 dB.
Here we go with a new preset: “Acoustic Vitalizer”:
CH5 010000
Fader 0.6150000095 PreGain 0.1099999994 PreVol 0.8749999404 HiPass 0.0000000000
LoPass 1.0000000000 EQ1Gain 0.8350000381 EQ1Freq 0.0000000000 EQ2Gain 0.5900000334
EQ2Freq 0.5149999857 EQ3Gain 0.3600000143 EQ3Freq 0.4249999821 EQ4Gain 0.3700000048
EQ4Freq 0.4000000358 CompThr 0.1950000226 CompGain 0.8500000238 CompComp 0.6349999905
CompMode 0.3333333433 MeterMode 0.0000000000 Preamp 1.0000000000 LoShelf 0.0000000000
HiShelf 1.0000000000 EQOn 1.0000000000 EQInsert 1.0000000000 StereoLink 0.0000000000
BypassAll 0.0000000000 Rls1 1.0000000000 Rls2 1.0000000000 DeEss 1.0000000000
– Input level peaking at 0 dBfs
– Gain reduction peaking at 10 dB
Programmed on an acoustic guitar with extreme dynamics.
D-S is engaged to get rid of strong mid-range peaks.
The word “Mastering” with a device like this could sound out of place, nevertheless here is a master-bus preset: “Master Vitalizer”.
CH5 010000
Fader 0.6150000095 PreGain 0.5000000000 PreVol 0.5000000000 HiPass 0.0000000000
LoPass 1.0000000000 EQ1Gain 0.6299999952 EQ1Freq 0.0000000000 EQ2Gain 0.5349999666
EQ2Freq 0.1900000125 EQ3Gain 0.4850000143 EQ3Freq 0.4099999964 EQ4Gain 0.5000000000
EQ4Freq 0.8999999762 CompThr 0.6200000644 CompGain 0.6100000143 CompComp 0.4149999917
CompMode 0.0000000000 MeterMode 0.0000000000 Preamp 0.0000000000 LoShelf 0.0000000000
HiShelf 0.0000000000 EQOn 1.0000000000 EQInsert 1.0000000000 StereoLink 0.0000000000
BypassAll 0.0000000000 Rls1 0.0000000000 Rls2 1.0000000000 DeEss 0.0000000000
Fine tuning: gain reduction peaking at 3 dB.
– Pre is disabled.
– The EQ just gives a little spice to some critical ranges while taming an almost-nothing in the mud range. The highest band @20kHz almost just uses its side slope. Oversampling keeps it real.
– The comp adds a bit of snap, while releasing very slowly.
Here we go with a new preset: “Subtle Master”.
The Preamp is bypassed. The EQ is inserted but with the filters disabled.
The Compressor is working at max ratio (Compression = 20) but it is just touching the peaks. No D-S, 2 ms release.
CH5 010000
Fader 0.6150000095 PreGain 0.5000000000 PreVol 0.5000000000 HiPass 0.0000000000
LoPass 1.0000000000 EQ1Gain 0.5000000000 EQ1Freq 0.0300000012 EQ2Gain 0.5000000000
EQ2Freq 0.5099999905 EQ3Gain 0.5000000000 EQ3Freq 0.5000000000 EQ4Gain 0.5000000000
EQ4Freq 1.0000000000 CompThr 0.6999999881 CompGain 0.6049999595 CompComp 1.0000000000
CompMode 0.3333333433 MeterMode 0.0000000000 Preamp 0.0000000000 LoShelf 0.0000000000
HiShelf 0.0000000000 EQOn 0.0000000000 EQInsert 1.0000000000 StereoLink 0.0000000000
BypassAll 0.0000000000 Rls1 1.0000000000 Rls2 1.0000000000 DeEss 0.0000000000
Fine tuning: gain reduction peaking at 1.5 dB
Here we go with another preset: “Crunchy Drums”.
Programmed on some acoustic stereo drums, gives more bottom end (saturation) while cleaning it back through the EQ. Presence is added by the highest EQ band and a simple trick is used: the following band (2nd top-bottom) is set to a similar freqency but to cut. Gives movement to the spectrum in that region.
The Compressor is set to “C”, fastest release.
Body and sustain, presence, warm highs.
CH5 010000
Fader 0.6150000095 PreGain 0.1199999899 PreVol 0.8949999809 HiPass 0.0000000000
LoPass 1.0000000000 EQ1Gain 0.6650000215 EQ1Freq 0.8050000072 EQ2Gain 0.4050000012
EQ2Freq 0.4850000143 EQ3Gain 0.5000000000 EQ3Freq 0.6999999881 EQ4Gain 0.3650000095
EQ4Freq 0.7649999857 CompThr 0.5350000262 CompGain 0.5950000286 CompComp 0.5700000525
CompMode 0.0000000000 MeterMode 0.0000000000 Preamp 1.0000000000 LoShelf 0.0000000000
HiShelf 1.0000000000 EQOn 1.0000000000 EQInsert 1.0000000000 StereoLink 1.0000000000
BypassAll 0.0000000000 Rls1 0.0000000000 Rls2 0.0000000000 DeEss 0.0000000000
Fine tuning:
– Input peaking around -12 dBfs.
– Gain reduction peaking around 3/4 dB.
As always, select the whole text, right click copy, press “Preset Paste” on the plugin.
This is a quite extreme preset, programmed on acoustic Drums: “Drums Press”.
CH5 010000
Fader 0.6150000095 PreGain 0.4050000012 PreVol 0.6100000143 HiPass 0.0000000000
LoPass 1.0000000000 EQ1Gain 0.8249999881 EQ1Freq 0.8849999905 EQ2Gain 0.4350000322
EQ2Freq 0.0650000125 EQ3Gain 0.3550000191 EQ3Freq 0.4149999917 EQ4Gain 0.5600000024
EQ4Freq 0.1949999928 CompThr 0.5350000262 CompGain 0.5950000286 CompComp 0.7200000286
CompMode 0.6666666865 MeterMode 0.0000000000 Preamp 1.0000000000 LoShelf 0.0000000000
HiShelf 1.0000000000 EQOn 1.0000000000 EQInsert 1.0000000000 StereoLink 1.0000000000
BypassAll 0.0000000000 Rls1 0.0000000000 Rls2 0.0000000000 DeEss 0.0000000000
Fine tuning:
– Input level peaking around -10 dBfs.
– Gain Reduction peaking around -6 dB.
Here we go with a preset for super-processed drums: “Xtreme Drums”:
CH5 010000
Fader 0.6150000095 PreGain 0.6599999666 PreVol 0.3750000298 HiPass 0.0299999993
LoPass 0.8799999952 EQ1Gain 0.7300000191 EQ1Freq 0.8799999952 EQ2Gain 0.7449999452
EQ2Freq 0.6349999905 EQ3Gain 0.4800000191 EQ3Freq 0.4149999917 EQ4Gain 0.7250000238
EQ4Freq 0.9299999475 CompThr 0.3200000525 CompGain 0.8500000238 CompComp 0.8550000191
CompMode 0.6666666865 MeterMode 0.0000000000 Preamp 1.0000000000 LoShelf 0.0000000000
HiShelf 1.0000000000 EQOn 1.0000000000 EQInsert 1.0000000000 StereoLink 0.0000000000
BypassAll 0.0000000000 Rls1 1.0000000000 Rls2 0.0000000000 DeEss 1.0000000000
Fine tuning:
– Input peaking around 0 dBfs.
– Compression peaking around 20 dB gain reduction.
Here we go with another preset: “Peak Massage”:
CH5 010000
Fader 0.6150000095 PreGain 0.5000000000 PreVol 0.5000000000 HiPass 0.0000000000
LoPass 1.0000000000 EQ1Gain 0.5000000000 EQ1Freq 0.8799999952 EQ2Gain 0.5000000000
EQ2Freq 0.6349999905 EQ3Gain 0.5000000000 EQ3Freq 0.4149999917 EQ4Gain 0.5000000000
EQ4Freq 0.9299999475 CompThr 0.7150000930 CompGain 0.6200000048 CompComp 0.6449999809
CompMode 0.0000000000 MeterMode 0.0000000000 Preamp 0.0000000000 LoShelf 0.0000000000
HiShelf 1.0000000000 EQOn 0.0000000000 EQInsert 1.0000000000 StereoLink 0.0000000000
BypassAll 0.0000000000 Rls1 1.0000000000 Rls2 1.0000000000 DeEss 1.0000000000
THe EQ is just inserted but not active.
The compressor tames just a couple of dBs on the peaks, with D-S engaged to be more effective on the mid-range.
Fine tuning:
– Gain Reduction peaking around 1.8 dB.
A little nice preset for Ch5: “Acoustic Cleaner”:
CH5 010000
Fader 0.6150000095 PreGain 0.0000000000 PreVol 1.0000000000 HiPass 0.2949999869
LoPass 1.0000000000 EQ1Gain 0.5600000024 EQ1Freq 0.0000000000 EQ2Gain 0.5749999881
EQ2Freq 0.7200000286 EQ3Gain 0.5000000000 EQ3Freq 0.6999999881 EQ4Gain 0.3199999928
EQ4Freq 1.0000000000 CompThr 0.6650000215 CompGain 0.5000000000 CompComp 0.2250000238
CompMode 0.0000000000 MeterMode 0.0000000000 Preamp 1.0000000000 LoShelf 0.0000000000
HiShelf 0.0000000000 EQOn 1.0000000000 EQInsert 1.0000000000 StereoLink 0.0000000000
BypassAll 0.0000000000 Rls1 0.0000000000 Rls2 1.0000000000 DeEss 0.0000000000
Fine tuning:
– Input peaking at -12 dBfs.
– Gain reduction peaking at 2 dB.
A new preset: “Pumping Drums”.
CH5 010000
Fader 0.6150000095 PreGain 0.5000000000 PreVol 0.5000000000 HiPass 0.0000000000
LoPass 1.0000000000 EQ1Gain 0.5000000000 EQ1Freq 0.1000000015 EQ2Gain 0.5000000000
EQ2Freq 0.4000000060 EQ3Gain 0.5000000000 EQ3Freq 0.6999999881 EQ4Gain 0.5000000000
EQ4Freq 0.8999999762 CompThr 0.4300000072 CompGain 0.9049999714 CompComp 1.0000000000
CompMode 0.6666666865 MeterMode 0.0000000000 Preamp 0.0000000000 LoShelf 0.0000000000
HiShelf 0.0000000000 EQOn 0.0000000000 EQInsert 0.0000000000 StereoLink 0.0000000000
BypassAll 0.0000000000 Rls1 1.0000000000 Rls2 0.0000000000 DeEss 0.0000000000
Fine tuning: gain reduction peaking at 10 dB.
A new preset: “Extreme Pumping”.
CH5 010000
Fader 0.6150000095 PreGain 0.5000000000 PreVol 0.5000000000 HiPass 0.0000000000
LoPass 1.0000000000 EQ1Gain 0.5000000000 EQ1Freq 0.1000000015 EQ2Gain 0.5000000000
EQ2Freq 0.4000000060 EQ3Gain 0.5000000000 EQ3Freq 0.6999999881 EQ4Gain 0.5000000000
EQ4Freq 0.8999999762 CompThr 0.1950000226 CompGain 1.0000000000 CompComp 0.8000000119
CompMode 0.6666666865 MeterMode 0.0000000000 Preamp 0.0000000000 LoShelf 0.0000000000
HiShelf 0.0000000000 EQOn 0.0000000000 EQInsert 0.0000000000 StereoLink 0.0000000000
BypassAll 0.0000000000 Rls1 0.0000000000 Rls2 0.0000000000 DeEss 0.0000000000
Fine tuning: gain reduction peaking at 20 dB.